Sam’s range for brewing is considerable. Here is a look back on some significant moments in Sam’s beer past.

Sage advice
One of Sam’s favourite beer release with a brewery was her Sage Advice for Rosemary: Gruit. Sam went from garden to garden hand selecting and collecting all the herbs she wished to include in this new creation. The beer ended up being released and pairing amazingly with Thanksgiving dinner that year.

Sam’s first beer release with She Brews was Mushlove. Sam was hired by Stone City to develop and create a mushroom beer. She Brews is about taking chances, trying new things and bringing your concepts to fruition. Sam thoroughly enjoyed this challenge and was excited to tackle the task. The beer created was Sahti inspired, with chaga mushroom and juniper additions. Launching this beer Sam also supported Stone with a release party, with a unique (locally foraged ingredient) cocktail menu to compliment. A lady of many talents. Sam also assisted with a few other beer recipes while with Stone - the Emily Saison and the Zero Degrees Brut IPA recipe

camomile hibiscus
Sam’s very first beer released commercially was with Olde Stone Brewery. Experimenting with the concept of casks, Sam produce and release a Camomile Hibiscus Wheat cask. Olde Stone would later go on to reuse this recipe the following year on their larger brewing system due to the casks initial popularity and requests for more.
camomile hibiscus
camomile hibiscus